La fibromialgiay el dolor crónico de las articulaciones no fueron excusas para lograr mi 4th Full Ironman. A pesar de las dificultades de esta carrera, logré llevar un mensaje de esperanza a todos aquellos que también sufren. Yo soy Ironsoul Fibrofree y mi propósito de vida es promover la sanación física y emocional a través del deporte, la dieta saludable y la paz interior.
Además quiero dar especial gracias a los voluntarios paramédicos de la Carrera quienes me ayudaron llevándome en silla de ruedas a recoger la bicicleta y luego hasta el carro ya que yo no podía caminar y estába completamente sola. Lamentablemente no recuerdo sus nombres pero siempre lo llevaré en mi corazón.
ENGLISH VERSION Yesterday's Ironman CDA challenged my mind and body to the limit. Under extreme temperatures of 108 to 111F, a sunny day with not even a cloud in the sky plus those long hills caused bad inflammation to every joint of my body, neck, shoulder, hands, knees and feet. I was in a lot of pain so I had to stop in every water station to hydrate and pour ice water on me to keep it cold. The bike stations ran out of water and that made it even worse. But I had not doubt that I was going to finish because I couldn't disappoint myself and the ones that support me. Besides seen other people suffering like me that were there too, many of them couldn't make it but they efforts count too. My respect to all of them.
I keep getting emails of people that get hope because what I do and that gave me strength through the 16hours that I did. I always say it is not your body that it moves you it is our inner being which I named The Ironsoul within us that connect us with the universe and that can create miracles in our life. I am very happy because I made my goal of finishing the race and keep helping those with chronic conditions. I feel blessed because of my family and friends that sent me messages support. Thank you so much for each of your words I had them in my heart and mind during each mile.
Also I want to thank to the guys of the medical tent of the race who kindly took care of me because I couldn't walk at the end of the race. They took me on a wheel chair to get my bike and to my car because I was alone in this adventure. To them who unfortunately don't remember their names I send my appreciation, you guys will be in my heart. If you ever read this feel free to contact me.