A marathon is never easy, but the satisfaction is always worth the effort. This time #a1amarathon was hot, no clouds at all. I missed the usual Gatorade, the bananas, the energy bars... in the course. There wasn’t enough nutrition for the runners, but the course is flat and beautiful alone the ocean. I felt low in sugar and my mind and body were fighting with my higher self. I dislike gels but they saved me. The pain was excruciating and the thoughts were attacking me intermittently. The good new is that when we have a higher purpose besides pleasing the ego, our inner being that I called #ironsoul will prevail. My life’s mission is to overcome the symptoms and aches of the #fibromyalgia, improving my #emotionalintelligence each day in order to teach others how to achieve their goals too. So I was able to make it, just by being present and great full of doing what I love. I went into a deep meditation while I was running and I got in a state of grateful trance. I slowed down a little a the end and I finished in 4:17:50 secs. My friend kseniya was there cheering me up and as always my 💖 supporting every of my goals. When I finished my daughter and her husband were there and the happiness of having my family together I can’t describe. My #teamironsoul this one was for you guys thank you all of you guys. Thank you God, thank you universe🙏🙏🙏

Hi, I am Estela Ortiz Certified Life Coach, triathleta, marathoner and trainer. I help people to treat their emotional and physical pain in order to heal chronic conditions. As a thyroid cancer and fibromyalgia survivor I guide my clients through the path towards recovery and empowerment. Using tools such as sports (core workout, physical therapy, triathlon, etc), meditation, emotional intelligence, NPL and natural nutrition, people will find purpose, balance and harmony in their life.
Inspirate y liberate de cancer, fibromialgia, depresión, fatiga, etc. Rompe con el dolor emocional para controlar el dolor físico crónico.
Yo no acepto estas condiciones en mi cuerpo nunca más y quiero compartirte como.
Te guiaré en el camino de descubrir y confiar en tu poder interno.